We continue to add features to RadioPlanner 3.0 for planning fixed wireless access (FWA) networks.
RadioPlanner 3.0 now allows you to map coverage of fixed wireless access (FWA) networks and Internet of Things (IoT) networks such as LoRa, SigFox and others.
The algorithm used to calculate coverage for CPEs or IoT sensors differs from the one used for mobile units. This difference stems from the fact that while calculating mobile network coverage, the characteristics of one of two typical mobile units (UE1 or UE2) are considered. However, when calculating FWA coverage, the individual characteristics of each CPE or sensor are taken into account. These include antenna height, antenna gain, antenna pattern, transmitter power, losses in the cable, and building penetration losses. As a result, coverage prediction results are more accurate.
Upon calculation, a small circle will appear at the location of each CPE or sensor. The color of this circle will correspond to the result of the selected study type. The study type can be chosen from the menu of the corresponding network, and the calculation can be initiated there using a new tool ‘Calculate FWA Coverage’.
More details in the updated User Manual.