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We are pleased to present a new version of the Antenna Pattern Editor - the versatile tool with which you can view, create, edit, and convert antenna pattern files.

New features in Antenna Pattern Editor 2.0:

1. Ability to view antenna patterns in both polar and Cartesian coordinate systems.

2. Added many file formats that were not supported before: EDX (*.pat), AntPat (*.ana), CelPlan (*.txt), RadioSoft ComStudy (*.pt2), V-Soft (*.pat, *.vep).

3. Support for antenna files in full 3D format (ETS, Satimo, etc.).

4. Advanced functions for creating and editing antenna patterns in tabular form, with copy-paste capabilities from spreadsheets and text files.

5. Ability to copy antenna patterns from standard FM query and TV query results directly from the FCC website.

6. Expanded antenna pattern transformation features.

7. Added the ability to obtain the envelope of the antenna pattern from a set of individual antenna patterns.

8. Support for antenna pattern files with any number of points (not only 360, as in the previous version).

A complete description of all Antenna Pattern Editor features is in the User Manual. A trial version is also available.

After the trial period, most of the program's features - viewing, transforming and antenna datasheet generation will continue to work, but Antenna Pattern Editor will retain the ability to export antenna patterns only to Radio Mobile V3 (*.ant) format.

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In TV and radio broadcasting projects, the ability to import measurement files from the Stream Labs FM PROBE analyzer has been added. These analyzers are widely used to monitor the quality and size of FM radio coverage.

RadioPlanner allows you to determine the clutter loss for a propagation model by comparing measurements with the calculated values.

Read more in the updated user manual.

We are ready to make it possible to import measurement files for other receivers. Please send inquiries.

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